Function reference


V1 Methods.

get_market_info Retrieve market information based on the market name.
get_ohlc Retrieve OHLC (Open-High-Low-Close) data for a specific market.
get_prices Retrieve tick history (price data) for a specific market.
get_long_series Retrieve a long time series of OHLC data by bypassing API limitations.
list_active_orders List all active orders.
list_open_positions List all open positions.
get_trade_history Retrieve the trade history for the account.
trade_order Place a trade order.
close_all_trades Close all open trades with a given price tolerance.
close_all_trades_new Close all trades using a provided list of open positions and a given tolerance.


V2 Methods.

get_market_info Retrieve market information.
get_ohlc Retrieve OHLC data for a specific market.
get_prices Retrieve tick history (price data) for a specific market.
get_long_series Retrieve a long time series of OHLC data by bypassing API limitations.
list_active_orders List all active orders.
list_open_positions List all open positions.
get_trade_history Retrieve the trade history for the account.
trade_order Place a trade order.
close_all_trades Close all open trades with a given price tolerance.
close_all_trades_new Close all trades using a provided list of open positions and a given tolerance.


various helper functions.

convert_orders_to_dataframe Convert nested order data to a Pandas DataFrame.
convert_to_dataframe Convert a list of dictionaries with a ‘/Date(…)’ timestamp into a pandas DataFrame
extract_every_nth Generate start and stop Unix UTC timestamps for API requests.
get_instruction_status_description Retrieve the description of an instruction status code.
get_instruction_status_reason_description Retrieve the description of an instruction status reason code.
get_order_action_type_description Retrieve the description of an order action type code.
get_order_status_description Retrieve the description of an order status code.
get_order_status_reason_description Retrieve the description of an order status reason code.